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Exploreiva: The problems of general relativity and how it can be solved, with Nabil Iqbal.
Exploreiva: What's wrong with Newton's law of gravity? with Nabil Iqbal.
Black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity by Dr. Nabil Iqbal
Nabil Iqbal (Durham U.) on Mean String Field Theory
GR Cosmology 1: Cosmological Solutions, Our Universe
Nabil Iqbal (Durham University): Mean string field theory
A (Gentle) Introduction to Holographic Duality: Part 2
Stringfest@Swansea FPUK2022, Talk by Nabil Iqbal (Durham)
QFT2 Lecture 8b: Long-distance behavior of gauge theory: asymptotic freedom and confinement
General Relativity Seminar 9/10/21
Alex May: Does gravity constrain complexity?
QFT2 Lecture 8a: Quantizing Yang-Mills theory